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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New (Old) Story Available...My First Kindle....

Ironically enough - or perhaps not - even as I've settled myself concerning the digital revolution (still grappling with the issue of self-publishing, of course), my first "release" comes in digital format. 

I don't write flash fiction much. Hardly at all, and sometimes I don't know what to think of flash fiction in general. I read some flash stories and think: "That's hardly a story at all", then read others and marvel: "How DID they fit all that in there?"

Suffice to say, it's not a form I write in much. But the one or two pieces I have written have landed whole, with very little editing needed regarding story, just grammatical elements. One of them, "Old Bassler House", a life-inspired story, can be found in Shroud Publishing's Northern Haunts.

My most "recent" flash story (I say recent, because it was written in 2009), "Black Dog Whispers", is now available in the kindle collection New Bedlam: Town ArchivesNew Bedlam is a cool little fiction project, about a town cursed with never-ending insomnia.  So all the stories offer snap-shots of folks living in this they stumble around, dead tired but unable to sleep...ever.

Anyway, the Kindle version is hereHowever, the folks running New Bedlam are hoping to generate enough orders for a limited edition print run, so if you think you'd like a print version, order here.


  1. Thanks! It's a bit of an early story, haven't read that one in awhile, so I'm not sure how it comes off, anymore...
